venting #6

It’s been a while

The last post I made was written on April 9th, the last month has been very very intense.

I entered a new relationship, the physiotherapy has been crazy and I finally started to hit the upper again, almost everything except shoulders since I still have a lesion on the left one, the new programs have been written by the doctors.

I’m still not constant in the training as I was before the accident but day by day I’m getting there, the focus must be getting back on track, the weight is still 74.7Kg which is fine, considering how bad I’ve eaten in the last weeks, not an excuse, just a fact.

I’m planning to speak with my dietician in the next checkup about a possible bulk phase, considering how the last days have been it’s probably better to wait for the winter and in general wait for more stability and rhythm in training, I’m aiming to four training sessions per week and increase to five when possible.

I have also reduced the amount of cardio, every day I did one hour of cardio, I have reduced this amount to thirty minutes.