weight check

Today I had an appointment with my nutritionist for the weight, diet and body mass check.

The recorded weight was 77.4Kg, circa 4Kg down since the beginning of January, the lowest I recorded at home was 75.4Kg which was last week, I’m strangely not worried about this gain since I know what was the cause, yesterday’s pizza and Sunday Greek, I’m not used to cheating much, being stuck at home isn’t helping and I’ll do better.

Current body fat is 17.5% which is in the perfect range of 15-21%. I gained 0.5Kg of lean mass and lost about 5Kg of fat, overall I’m happy with the result, also considering the last 15 days where I did absolutely nothing.

I actually aim for a lower BF but with the recovery from the accident and the stop from the gym the focus right now is maintenance.