venting #6
It’s been a while The last post I made was written on April 9th, the last month has been very very intense. I entered a new relationship, the physiotherapy has been crazy and I finally started to hit the upper again, almost everything except shoulders since I still have a lesion on the left one,…
the overdoing
Way too often I spent my days reaching more, trying to do more, by giving 110% of what I could give, in any given situation. This was and in a way still is a characteristic I’m very proud of, the main difference since when I was a bit younger is the recognition of the costs,…
motivation vs discipline
This will be quite a cliche but also very true. At the beginning of a weight loss journey, the motivation will come quite quickly just by seeing the progress, this will help and will be the gasoline we need to stay consistent. Inevitably a time will come when things will get harder, the scale will…
music on music off
This topic sounds quite stupid honestly but after understanding the importance of mindset I started to give it more attention. When someone does any type of fitness activity it is quite common to listen to music, in the past I did the same but it was like a painkiller and I needed to learn how…
food tracking
In the beginning, I didn’t track food, I just tried my best to stick to the diet doing the best I could and it worked out fine, food caused a lot of stress but it was probably also related to the extreme calorie deficit I was experiencing. The only “tracking” I used to do was…
the value of relationships
Yesterday I went to watch Dune with a dear friend of mine, it’s been only a year since we started to hang out but she already means the world to me, I could spend thousands of words for her but that isn’t the point of this post. The last few days have been rough and…
weight check
Today I had an appointment with my nutritionist for the weight, diet and body mass check. The recorded weight was 77.4Kg, circa 4Kg down since the beginning of January, the lowest I recorded at home was 75.4Kg which was last week, I’m strangely not worried about this gain since I know what was the cause,…
venting #3
Today begins the 3rd week of recovery from the accident, things ain’t great, I’m experiencing a lot of ups and downs but always looking forward to getting back on track as soon as possible is helping. I’m handling the everyday challenges on my own as much as I can but I must also say the…
weight track
Once I started to lose weight I also had to start tracking the progression, at the beginning only the weight was recorded, in the past I also tracked food (which I now do but I’ll explain later) but the first few months of this journey I was way too anxious about it so I decided…
how I started
The most common question when I meet someone after the weight loss is “How?”. I believe it is a snowballing effect so it makes sense to write about how I started which is super easy to explain: walking and dieting. That’s it. I started to go a couple of days a week in a huge…